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contoh kalimat day school

"day school" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • It is a day school with morning and afternoon shifts.
    Maka terdapat kelas pagi dan siang.
  • He went on to high school at Rye Country Day School.
    Ia melanjutkan pendidikan di Rye Country Day School.
  • Squire attended high school at Georgetown Day School and graduated in 1994.
    Squire bersekolah di Georgetown Day School dan lulus pada tahun 1994.
  • Creative Original National Day School Safety Education Day
    Hari Pendidikan Keselamatan Sekolah Nasional Kreatif yang Asli
  • Charlotte Country Day School – less than five minutes drive
    Charlotte Country Day School - kurang dari lima menit berkendara
  • After the boarding closed in 1850, it became a day school for children.
    Setelah asramanya ditutup pada 1850, sekolah tersebut menjadi sekolah harian bagi anak-anak.
  • Sengupta studied at the Julien Day School, where he was fully engrossed in playing cricket.
    Sengupta belajar di Julien Day School, dimana ia juga bermain kriket.
  • Hanks attended Sacramento Country Day School, and then Chapman University, before transferring to Loyola Marymount University.
    Hanks pernah merasakan bangku kuliah di Universitas Chapman, lalu pindah ke Universitas Loyola Marymount.
  • The Full Day School discourse should be re-matured because some regions prefer the six days of school.
    Wacana Full Day School agar bisa dimatangkan kembali karena sebagian daerah lebih menginginkan enam hari masuk sekolah.
  • Saha was born and brought up in Kolkata and has done his schooling from St. Mary's Orphanage & Day School, Kolkata.
    Saha lahir dan dibesarkan di Kolkata dan telah melakukan sekolahnya dari Panti Asuhan St Mary's & Day School, Kolkata.
  • When her parents moved the family back to London she went to a day school, then spent a year studying in Dunkirk, France.
    Ketika keluarganya kembali pindah ke London, dia menuntut ilmu di sekolah harian, kemudian menghabiskan waktu selama setahun untuk berguru ke Dunkerque, Prancis.
  • Richard Guinness, Rye Country Day School, state champion in the 138-pound wrestling class, played Rolfe in the school production of The Sound of Music.
    Richard Guinness, Sekolah Harian Rye Country, juara propinsi untuk kelas gulat 138 pound, berperan sebagai Rolfe di drama sekolah The Sound of Music.
  • Tonbridge School is an independent boarding and day school for boys in Tonbridge, Kent, England, founded in 1553 by Sir Andrew Judde (sometimes spelled Judd).
    Tonbridge School adalah sekolah asrama dan harian independen khusus lelaki di Tonbridge, Kent, Inggris yang didirikan pada tahun 1553 oleh Sir Andrew Judde.
  • It is thus the largest Korean day school in Southeast Asia, at more than twice the enrollment of the one in Ho Chi Minh City.
    Jakarta International Korean School adalah sekolah untuk warga Korea terbesar di Asia Tenggara, 2 kali lebih banyak dibanding di Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Founded in 1956, Bandung Alliance Intercultural School is a private, coeducational day school, offering an American college preparatory curriculum to the international community. Around twelve countries are represented in the student body.
    Didirikan pada tahun 1956, Bandung Alliance International School adalah sekolah, hari co-pendidikan swasta, menawarkan kurikulum perguruan tinggi Amerika persiapan kepada masyarakat internasional. Sekitar dua belas negara diwakili dalam tubuh mahasiswa.
  • IBS has given me the knowledge and skills by undergoing a certificated banking training and a full- day school system that gave me the discipline, and the integrity that is the fundamental principle ingrained from the beginning.
    IBS membekali saya dengan ilmu dan keterampilan melalui pelatihan perbankan bersertifikasi, kedisiplinan melalui sistem full day school-nya, dan integritas yang menjadi sebuah prinsip utama yang ditanamkan sejak awal.
  • Yeah, and also please don't take this the wrong way but what kind of Jew gets hired at a Jewish day school who doesn't speak any Hebrew or even really, like, know the first thing about Judaism?
    Yeah, dan juga jangan mengambil jalan yang salah tapi apa Yahudi mendapatkan dipekerjakan di sebuah sekolah Yahudi hari yang tidak berbicara apapun bahasa Ibrani atau bahkan benar-benar, seperti, tahu hal pertama tentang Yudaisme?
  • 4. Barinholtz was born in the Rogers Park area of Chicago, Illinois, and was raised in its Lake View neighborhood, and attended Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School, before attending The Latin School of Chicago for high school.
    4. Barinholtz dilahirkan di kawasan Rogers Park Chicago, Illinois, dan dibesarkan dalam kejiranan Lake View yang, dan dihadiri Bernard Zell Anshe Emet School Day, sebelum menghadiri The Latin School of Chicago untuk sekolah tinggi.
  • Other contributions from Kimmel include a $5 million donation to The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia; a $20 million donation to Raymond and Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School in Philadelphia and $25 million for the establishment of a new prostate and urological cancer center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York.
    Kontribusi lainnya sebesar US$ 5.000 kepada The National Constitution Center di Philadelphia; US$ 2.000 million donation untuk Raymond and Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School Philadelphia dan U$ 25.000 untuk pendirian pusat pelayan pemulihan prostat dan urological kanker di Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York.